Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Painting with Grandparents - Grandma Moses and Grandparents Day! September 7 & 9

1 Hour

Intended for 25 guests, grades K-5 with grandparent(s)


"The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds
25 water color sets
25 paint brushes
75 pieces of watercolor paper or card stock
Lovely classical music
Printings (from a color printer) or Grandma Moses's art


As a Children's Librarian, we often become aware of obscure holidays and then find ways to celebrate them in programs.

September 9th is Grandparents Day. 

September 7th is Grandma Moses Day.  It was designated so because September 7th is the birthday of Anna Mary Robertson Moses.  She started a successful American folk painting career late in her life (when she was already a Grandma) which is why she was affectionately named Grandma Moses.  She commonly painted scenes from America's rural past.  Her paintings were used to publicize numerous American holidays.  During the 1950s, her exhibitions were so popular they broke attendance records!

Why not combine these two holidays, since they are so close in date and have a Painting with Grandparents program to celebrate them!

Grandma Moses, Halloween, 1955

I printed out some of Grandma Moses's art work and hung it in the program room to create a galleria.  Very simple yet totally refined. ;)

On one half of the room, there was a story corner set up, and on the other half, tables and chairs with water colors and paints.  

At the beginning of the program, I read a brief description of who Grandma Moses was and why it is celebrated on September 7th and also explained that Grandparents day is only 2 days after.

I then read a book to inspire the creativity of the group and warm their hearts.  Peter H. Reynold's "The Dot" is just a lovely story that teaches everyone they can be an artist.

After a reading of the story, I put on the classical music (a lovely mix of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms) and told everyone to go out to the tables and paint and be free!  The results were amazing.  Beautiful works of art from the children and the grandparents alike.  All in all, it was just a lovely, and very simple program to do.

These are two paintings that were made for me by two little guys who love the Titanic!  Truly made my day! 

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