Thursday, February 7, 2013

You're Never Too Old: Finger Painting

45 minutes

Intended for 20 guests, grades 3-5


Tempera paint
Heavy stock paper
"Stuck" by Oliver Jeffers
"A Funeral in the Bathroom: And Other School Bathroom Poems" by Kalli Dakos


Who says that once you turn a certain age that you can't have the same fun as the little ones?  I know I didn't.  Which is certainly one of the reasons why I love being a children's librarian! 

This is a program series titled "You're Never Too Old."  It is geared for grades 3-5, and they get to have fun that they might think they are "too old" to have anymore.  This first program is Finger Painting.  It is exactly what it sounds like.  Kids, grades 3-5 get to finger paint again.  Something they may not have done since kindergarten, or, for shame, have never gotten to do ever! 

I selected some picture books, something they may also think they are "too old" for, that would be right up their alley.  It's amazing how many picture books are written on a higher level and can still be enjoyed.  Perhaps another reason why I am a children's librarian!

For this, I read two poems from "A Funeral in the Bathroom," Broken Toilet and Emergency.  You Can probably guess what they're about by the title.  And I also read "Stuck" by Oliver Jeffers.  They loved the silliness of it and were able to pick up on the irony (I was even able to give them a little lesson about irony!). 

After that, they were so excited to just finger paint!  Which eventually turned into the children painting their fingers, and their hands, and their arms... But hey, that's what it's about! 

I set out the tempera paint on plastic coated paper plates.  I only gave them the 3 primary colors plus white.  I told them to mix and get creative! 

They had such a good time.  I joined in too.  There should be finger painting for adults! 

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