Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Doll Tea Party!

45 mins

Intended for 25 guests, grades 2-6


25 Tea cups
25 Saucers
Pretty table cloths
Iced Tea
Cookies and tea crackers (Goya Maria cookies work great!)
Craft supplies (for whatever craft you choose)
American Girl Book to read ("Is This Normal?: Girls' Questions" and/or "True Stories: Girls' Inspiring Stories of Courage and Heart")
American Girl Magazine for craft ideas


Arrange tables in the front of the room with pretty table cloths.  Set the tea cups, saucers, cookies, and beverages on the table buffet style.  Set up additional tables and chairs in the room for the guests to sit at and enjoy their tea. 


For the first 5-7 minutes of the program, while waiting for party guests to arrive, play a simple game of Hangman. 

Once all guests have arrived, invite them to go up and get tea and snacks and bring them back to their table. 

While the guests are eating, read one or two of the stories from either book and invite them to respond and how it makes them feel, and if they have had to deal with a similar situation. 

When they have finished their snacks, have them clean up and begin the craft. 

You will want to leave about 20 minutes to complete the craft.  Craft ideas can be found in the American Girl Magazine, appropriately themed for that month. 

Crafts that I have done:
Knot Tie Blanket sized appropriately for the doll
Doll Sized Ice Cream Cone: made with small terracotta pot, styrofoam ball, tissue paper, and foam stickers.

After guests have finished their craft, the program is concluded!  

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